Verb Agreement Is and Are

As a copy editor, one of the most common mistakes I come across is improper verb agreement, specifically with the use of “is” and “are”. Knowing when to use these two verbs correctly is vital to ensuring that your content is clear, concise, and grammatically sound. In this article, we will explore the proper rules and guidelines for using “is” and “are” correctly.

When to Use “Is”

The verb “is” is a singular form of the verb “to be”. It is used to describe a single person, place, thing, or concept. For example:

– The book is on the table.

– The dog is barking loudly.

– The concept of sustainability is important.

In these examples, “is” is used to describe a single item or idea. It is important to note that “is” is not used to describe plural nouns or subjects.

When to Use “Are”

The verb “are” is a plural form of the verb “to be”. It is used to describe multiple people, places, things, or concepts. For example:

– The books are on the table.

– The dogs are barking loudly.

– The concepts of sustainability and renewable energy are important.

In these examples, “are” is used to describe multiple items or ideas. It is important to note that “are” is not used to describe singular nouns or subjects.

Exceptions to the Rule

There are certain situations where the use of “is” and “are” may be less clear cut. For example, when dealing with collective nouns, which refer to groups of people or things, the use of “is” or “are” can be dependent on the context of the sentence.

For example, the sentence “The team is playing well” refers to a singular unit, whereas the sentence “The team are arguing amongst themselves” refers to the group as individuals. In cases like these, it is important to consider the context of the sentence and the intended meaning.

Final Thoughts

Proper verb agreement is essential to clear and effective communication. By following the rules outlined above, you can ensure that your writing is grammatically correct and free from errors. Remember, “is” is used for singular subjects, “are” is used for plural subjects, and context is key in determining the correct use of these verbs. With these guidelines in mind, you can confidently write content that is not only engaging, but also grammatically sound and optimized for SEO.

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